Monday, October 3, 2022

The Faster They Go - Aug 15 2022


The Faster They Go

Aug 15 2022

A gorgeous August morning

with nothing on my schedule

except some chores that could wait

or never needed doing.

How reminiscent

of those long indolent days

and never-ending months

of childhood summers,

when we pretty much

did nothing at all.

When thoughts of school

were lost in the mists

of some distant future,

either conveniently ignored

or actively suppressed.

And if not that, then secretly looked forward to;

because more than anything

we couldn't wait to be grown-ups

and that meant one year closer.

When time dragged

and was often wasted,

sprawled across the curb

with teenage insouciance,

thinking of something to say

and trading lame jokes;

sun-baked pavement

softening in the heat.

And now, as time races past

I can't help but think

how youth is wasted on the young.

And feel annoyed

that the fewer years left

the faster they go,

calendar pages flipping

like an old moving picture

depicting time.

Especially now,

when I have so much to say

but there's no one here to listen.

And when the few nice days

I find that I'm too busy;

so different than back then,

when it was always high summer

and we had all the time in the world.

But we were young and foolish

and now know better;

too wise

to ruminate on regrets

or squander perfect weather.

Too sensible

not to choose to be present

on such a sweet and settled day.

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