Monday, October 3, 2022

Idols and Stars - Aug 18 2022


Idols and Stars

Aug 18 2022

I drew a blank

when they mentioned this celebrity,

long dead

and famous for something to do

with movies, or music

or was it prohibition booze

sometime last century

before the war.

Or was it after?

And which war, exactly?

Whom no one now remembers,

whose name

doesn't even elicit

a spark of recognition.

Like little kids

generations are solipsists,


with the latest thing

the famous and notorious

the all-important now.

But ignorant

of history,

even disrespectful;

dismissing what came before

as if life began with them.

How susceptible we are

to the illusion of posterity,

when the truth is

we almost always forget

are mostly forgotten.

So believe it when they say

that fame is ephemeral,

not only doesn't last

but doesn't make you happy.

Is a burden, in fact.

Which makes me glad

I'm unrecognizable


unimpressed with myself.


has set me free,

no living up to

no being seen,

no puffed-up self-importance

that depends on the image

others have of me.

And no steep vertiginous descent

into obscurity.

Just going about

my small daily life,

occasionally noting

how the idols stars and icons

no one hasn't heard of

are so easily forgotten.

Whom we always thought

would never not be worshipped,

never fall to earth

and burn.

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