Monday, October 3, 2022

A Good Chance of Rain - Aug 17 2022

A Good Chance of Rain

Aug 17 2022

The prediction said 4.

And now, 20 minutes past

I hear a distant rumbling

quickly moving closer.


just as the forecast had it.

It's hard to imagine

this kind of accuracy

in a weather report.

As if chaos had been banished

the atmosphere tamed.

As if man

had been transformed

into some god-like creature,

all-seeing and all-powerful

astride the earth.

Not just technology and math

but divine mastery.

An illusion, of course.

We are not in control,

and forecasts

are guess work, at best;

despite the science, the math

the authoritative reports.

And now, half past 4

it's sunny and warm.

So, no Nostradamus after all,

nothing godly or prophetic

no occult wizardry.

Like Oz,

the wise-cracking weatherman

in his loud suit and tie

summarily unmasked.

And no recanting, either;

just the latest report

on my phone's weather app,

as if no doubt whatsoever

there's a good chance of rain.

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