Monday, October 10, 2022

Confession - Oct 6 2022



Oct 6 2022

Each Sunday,

in a small cubicle

under subdued light

while perched on a hard wooden bench,

good Catholics confess

to a loving God

who believes in forgiveness.

And once a year

on the Day of Atonement

observant Jews also confess.

Not with Hail Marys

or so many Rosaries

but devout repentance,

an offering

to make good.

And what about sinners like me,

the disbelievers

who see no need for a higher power?

Who know there is no ever-after,

no reward for good behaviour

punishment for the bad?

But who are all too aware

that our flawed nature

makes us a questionable replacement

for an idealized God;

never mind

that we created Him

in our own image

and not the other way around.

So, can a secular humanist

who has no illusions about himself

lead a virtuous life,

when no one else, either mortal or divine

is keeping track?

(Never mind

that he finds the word itself amusing,

a “humanist”

who is dubious of his fellow Man

and often not even fond.)

Do we really need religion

to keep ourselves in line?

Or is social stigma enough?

Integrity and honour?

One's inner moral compass?

Or could we simply rely

on our need to get along?

The biologic imperative

of a social creature,

who wants to please

and needs to be loved.

Because no one cares

for a psychopath or narcissist,

and to be ostracized or excluded

is hell on earth.

So I confess to my sins and failings;

the bad thoughts

and intemperate actions,

the transgressions


and minor lapses

that may have done harm.

I confess to it all.

And vow to do better,

whether whatever god

is listening, or not.

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