Monday, October 31, 2022

Hope - Oct 25 2022



Oct 25 2022

I'm hopeful, but not optimistic.

Which is a relief,

because I’ve met people

who've given up hope

and they look pale, drawn, wasted.

Zombie-like, they shuffle instead of walk,

gazing dully at the ground

and stumbling into traffic.

Yes, just as bad as they expected.

Not that I don't envy optimists.

Not the frequent disappointment

they must encounter,

but the sunny disposition

and triumph of will;

me, a born pessimist

who expects the worst

and therefore prepares for it,

so that often enough

I get to be pleasantly surprised

when things turn out well.

Still, there's always hope.

At least until there isn't.

I wonder

if even on the deathbed

there persists some small shred,

the possible, if improbable

2nd act of life.

Because hope is hope

false or not.

The foundational thing, the life force.

After all, you never know.

Even here and now

in this time of fear and loathing

and deep uncertainty

I try to be hopeful,

see those bright-eyed optimists

and take heart,

do my best

to follow after them.

No matter how unnatural it feels.

Take a single step

to start.

Because hope without action

Isn't hope at all,

just magical thinking

and blinkered denial.

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