Monday, October 31, 2022

Pet Names - Oct 24 2022


Pet Names

Oct 24 2022

Pets with people names.

And pet names

for the people we love.

Embarrassing ones

you'd never say in public.

Cute ones

a man finds unbecoming.

And sometimes just for fun,

because the joy of words

and clever punning

is reason enough to play.

Not to mention

the cunningly erotic,

reserved for intimate moments

when only she will hear.

Then what men call each other,




Because tough love

is how men bond,

and only best friends know

the soft sensitive underbelly

that can make another squirm.

As if to open up

and say how we really feel

would show unacceptable weakness.

I'm not sure what women say

between themselves.

Do they even have nicknames?

And if so

are they cute, caring, or catty?

Or are they bad as us;


but also loving?

My dog's name is “Rufus”.

A boy's name for a girl;

but she's fixed,

and anyway

wouldn't know the difference.

But what I fondly call her

is “my little dumpling bum-hole”.

Because she's nicely rotund

  —  chubby?



and when I walk behind

she prances along

with her tale up

and private parts showing;

a round pink bum-hole

winking back at me.

But no matter how cute

I'm amusing only myself.

Because she's thrilled

with whatever she's called

as long as I call her to dinner.

Also “big shot”, “munchkin”, “ninja”,

great brown hunter”.

Showing my love

with pet names

for a pet named for people.

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