Friday, December 2, 2022

One Thing After Another - Sec 2 2022


One Thing After Another

Dec 2 2022

It's like a relay race

to the finish line,

passing the baton

from one body part to the next.

So no sooner does the back relent

than the elbow bark,

and just when that seems to be settling

the shoulder aches

and a knee begins to swell.

One thing after another,

until the baton gets dropped

and you're disqualified.

Welcome to old age.

To a succession of loss

and small indignities,

followed by the bigger ones.

To niggling regrets

and lowered expectations.

To disability

and thoughts of mortality

and a diminishing circle of friends.

When men lose influence

and women become invisible.

And impertinent young people

who don't hesitate to let you know

that what you just said was sexist

and unacceptable these days.

Not when men

no longer have all the power,

and women are more

than how they look.

Which you let go,


that political correctness is nothing new

even if the expression is.

That you were as self-righteous and supercilious as them,

before age taught you humility

and how to laugh at yourself.

A race

where the fix is in.

Because time always wins.

You can hear her footsteps

close behind

as your gait inexorably falters,

ever more quickly

closing the gap.

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