Saturday, April 15, 2023

Obscurity - April 12 2023



April 12 2023

The suffering artist

in his lonely garret

with hopes of changing the world.

(Because suffering, as we all know

is essential to the making of art.

The unhappy

willing to transgress,

and the comfortable

mere copyists.)

Or is he compelled

to write/paint/sculpt

no matter what?

The work for itself,

even though

it will never be a living

or make him rich.

Even though

it may never see

the light of day.

But he is driven

and persists.

And while he may not admit

that he too

needs validation,

he nurses a faint but enduring hope

that some future generation

will recognize his greatness

and sacrifice.

I think of all the masterpieces

that are scorned, ignored, lost.

The artists

forced into menial jobs

who let their passion cool.

The conflagration

that consumed it all

in that fire-trap apartment.

And the undiscovered gem

that came to light

long after he was dead.

That while it didn't change the world

altered it.

Which is really

as much as one could hope for.

Even though

its provenance can't be traced.

Even though

no one knows where he's buried

or even knows his name.

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