Sunday, April 9, 2023

Annual - April 9 2023



April 9 2023

The garden returns

year after year

despite the death of winter.

I don't believe in an afterlife,

but this resurrection

tempts me to believe

that anything is possible

no matter how improbable it seems.

Before steam engines

mechanical clocks

and our headlong rush

into the future,

life unspooled

in reliable cycles

season after season.

Circles, steadily turning

like the earth around the sun

and the moon's revolving tides,

instead of jagged lines

ascending over time

until they stop.

So why not another go-round,

former lives

forgotten deaths?


the snow recedes

grass greens

sturdy shoots poke up,

the air

has the earthy smell

of warm wet soil.

There is nothing miraculous

or supernatural in this,

no divinity

need intercede;

it's simply spring

as it's always sprung

from mother earth.

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