Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Multiple Universe - March 30 2023


Multiple Universe

March 30 2023

Walking at night

the neighbourhood streets

are uncommonly quiet.

On either side, houses loom;

still fortresses,


against a starry sky.

The blue flicker

of illuminated screens

spills from picture windows

and curtained bedrooms

onto snow covered lawns,

peeks out

through the glass brick

of cozy basement dens.

A cool thin light

that casts an eerie glow

on the faces of the watchers

I can just make out inside.

Like the theory of the multiple universe,

each house

contains its own distinct world,

one after the other

along street after street

as I walk by.

And for that moment in time

in the glazed eyes

of each rapt viewer

this is all that exists.

While I am a voyeur

in the darkness

of a quiet winter night.

So sure

that only I am grounded

know reality

inhabit the actual world.

Or so I reassure myself

in a moment of doubt,

ghosting silently by

alone and unseen

beneath an infinite sky.

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