Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Party Animal - March 1 2023


Party Animal

March 1 2023

I am a serious man.

Not the life of the party,

the fun uncle,

the guy with a joke at the ready

for every occasion.

So I'm not the thin man

with a fat one inside,

the old man

still child-like.

Instead of born young

I was born old,

and only now

have grown into myself.

But these deep thoughts hurt my brain.

The news depresses me.

My demeanour says keep away.

If there is reincarnation

I can only hope to return

with a lightness in my step

a love of bad music

and a way with dirty jokes.

Good with small talk,

a bit of a ladies' man.

As someone who lives for today,

and understands

that the world will go on

regardless of what he thinks

or how much he knows.

If not a party animal

then at least a bovine one;

free range

in some lush upland meadow,

grazing contentedly

in the fresh green grass.

I think the final stanza betrays some ambivalence. Because the word bovine has an unmistakably patronizing tone: it evokes a dumb lumbering cow, content with the basic functions of life. And because I actually enjoy deep dives, tortured thoughts, and tough introspection; esoterica, passionate convictions, and an opinion (informed, of course!) on just about everything. On the other hand, I envy those who have that lightness, spontaneity, and sense of fun. Even shallowness and superficiality. At least once in awhile!

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