Sunday, April 17, 2022

Iron-Nickel Chondrite - April 17 2022


Iron-Nickel Chondrite

April 17 2022

It had cooled

by the time I stumbled upon it.

A small dark rock

with an irregular surface

that had clearly melted, then hardened,

and lay half buried

where it had plowed into the earth.

The meteorite

felt heavy in my hand.

And I couldn't help but think

that a falling star

could end so prosaically,

a luminary of heaven


to its geological designation.

A cosmic traveller,

and for a brief shining moment

a falling star,

before falling to earth

and coming to a sudden stop.

And how brilliant it was,

streaking across

the familiar background

of fixed and steady stars,

burning bright

for a few short seconds,

before flaring into darkness

and blinking out.

Now, after its long astronomical journey

grounded and motionless,

a falling star

now an orphaned rock

looking homely and banal.

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