Saturday, April 16, 2022

Ineffable Things - April 10 2022


Ineffable Things

April 10 2022

I'm baffled by the scientist

who believes in God.

How does one resolve

the magisterium of faith

with a worldview

based on evidence?

By restricting the material

and spiritual

to hermetic compartments?

By simply accepting

there are ineffable things,

a realm of mystery

that need not be solved?

That there are parallel lines

that do not intersect;

The Word

received, and inviolable,

alongside the unending questioning

of unsettled science?

Then those of us who

were immune to faith

almost from birth,

who see no need to contend

with the fine points of theology,

angels dancing on pins

and sacrificial altars.

This is not contempt for the religious

but simply indifference.

And sometimes, even envy.

For the comfort and clarity

of the true believer.

For community

and gratitude

and the constancy of practice,

the ritual

and mystical

and sense of having answered.

If only our indifference

was not accompanied by risk.

Because there is no conviction

quite like the religious;

its direct pipeline to God

and missionary zeal,

notions of purity

and the corruption of power.

Because self-righteous certainty

has been the scourge of history

down through the ages.

And because

in the face of death

even atheists waver;

just as the faithful

struggle with their faith

through the suffering and triumph

of lives to be lived.

These philosophical poems are a bitch to write. Because you invariably do a lot more saying than showing. And yet there is only so much you can say, so it risks becoming just poorly thought out prose: big ideas that don't lend themselves to the compression poetry requires.

Not to mention the risk of sounding pretentious.

And, of course, most readers would rather read about anything else!

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