Monday, October 24, 2011

Something Is Out There
Oct 22 2011

Fall is fleeting, here.
Summer ends abruptly,
and winter comes
with an early snow.
So this uncertain season
is all the sweeter;
as common things are cheap,
as we seek out
the rare, and ephemeral.

Leaves turn briefly,
trees, stripped clean
in the first big blow.
The sun is low, shadows long
and nights hang on
as if darkness
will overtake the earth.

This is the season of in-between
chores all done
last leaves raked-up,
and we’re given permission
to eat, and sleep.
The air is sweet
with wood-smoke,
the light is pure, and soft.
Time to wonder
about a hard winter
an early thaw.

But the dog
is piss and vinegar,
hackles erect
at the door again,
this dog who rarely barks.
Deer, on the move
and something is out there,
beyond the cedars
that mark off  my yard
from the darkened forest beyond.
A cordon of green
on guard.

She charges
like a cannon shot,
a born predator
honed for pursuit.
But with the sense to stop
at the property line, the circle of light
barking furious.

The deceptive cedars,
a single row of majestic trees
evenly space, manicured neat
that mask the wild wood,
where creatures lurk
and even the dog demurs.
Will go
no further.

Out there,
where winter comes
that much earlier.
The season of hunger and cold.

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