Monday, August 8, 2011

Looking Up
Aug 7 2011

I am sitting on the deck
on the edge of the stairs
in perfect darkness
at .
The dog, at my side
expertly sniffing the air,
ears eager, tail erect.

I am supine
under infinite sky
ablaze with stars.
An incomprehensible number
that goes up and up
as my eyes adjust,
until this small peripheral planet
shrinks to almost nothing.
And all of us
even more insignificant.

When I realize
she’s never once looked up.
Certainly, at me.
At a branch, where her toy was snagged.
But her entire life
oblivious to sky.
Not curious
about where it begins, and ends.
No wonder
at this brilliant pageant,
we are privileged to see
any night like this.

She strains into the distance,
every molecule of her being
on edge
at this electrifying scent.
But blind
to the beauty of the star-filled sky,
lit up
as if some cosmic switch
had been tripped.

So sitting side-by-side
we occupy utterly different dimensions.
Her keen perception
the subtlety of scent
inaccessible to me.
And my awe
the majesty of heaven
she will never see.

We are both earthbound,
puny creatures
in a vast expanding universe.
But while she is content down here
looking directly ahead,
I am curious, restless
constantly questioning.
And always
looking up.

True story. And looking more closely at her, I realize that she’s not even anatomically suited to looking up. Her neck keeps her gaze straight ahead, close to the surface:  on a horizontal plane, that keeps her earthbound. Well-grounded, just as a dog should be!

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