Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Summering - Nov 25 2023



Nov 25 2023

Not what I did on summer vacation

but summering.


in a mid-Atlantic accent

with patrician superciliousness.

Something rich people do

on private islands

and beach front property.

Who also winter in the tropics

at exclusive resorts,

jet-setting somewhere else

when they get bored.

This verbing of nouns

would also suggest springing and autumning.

Or, for the less fortunate, falling.

A hurtful word,

when the poor

are getting even poorer,

the middle class

taken down a notch.

Perhaps, in October, we're all homebodies,

a month of rest and replenishment

before winter starts.

No need for a verb

before a blazing fire

sipping hot ginger tea;

not when the sun sets

in late afternoon,

and even the dormant grass

isn't listening.

Any noun can be verbed.

Try it yourself

in this festive season

that begins with Thanksgiving,

runs through Christmasing,

and ends with midnighting

on the cusp of New Year's Day.

I encountered this word, and right away wanted to play around with it.

As a conservative when it comes to change in language (which, I admit, isn't how language works, and is about as useful as trying to stop the tide coming in!), I tend to turn my nose up at the rampant verbing of nouns; even though English is full of such words.

It's odd about “summering”. No matter what, I find I can't say it without falling into that supercilious med-Atlantic tone of voice. It's a word an average person of modest means would never comfortably use!

The poem doesn't really work. But is still kind of fun, and I can't bring myself to hit delete.

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