Friday, November 24, 2023

Smoke Break - Nov 24 2023


Smoke Break

Nov 24 2023

They loiter

out in the cold

in unbuttoned overcoats

because it won't be long.

How to explain

the fellow feeling

of this odd collection of people

who only have in common

the dirty habit they share,

banished outdoors

to grab a smoke

and commiserate.

They day is grey

the wind bitter.

Grimy snow

surrounds the parking lot,

which is also grey

and filled with cars

no one's bothered to wash

in cold like this

with the roads such a mess.

They sip hot coffee

stomp their feet for warmth.

Trash-talk the boss,

dish some gossip,

watch the clock.

Feel a sense of belonging

after all this time together;

the familiar faces

and first names,

the vows to quit

and predictable fails.

Butts litter the walkway.

Soiled snow

has turned to slush

under salt-stained boots.

The tobacco smell lingers

long after they've returned

to their cramped office cubicles.

Where they work half-heartedly

along with those who stayed,

the clean-livers

and supercilious

who resent their absence

but keep it to themselves;

because they'd also like to take 5


but have no excuse.

Who quietly envy

the smokers' privileged lives,

skipping out

on a crisp winter day

to share some laughs

and pass some time.

Who remind them of the big kids

back in school,

out at the practice field

under the bleachers

sneaking a butt

with their cool girlfriends.

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