Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Dead Inside - Dec 6 2023


Dead Inside

Dec 6 2023

I read that the difference

between life and death

is complexity.

Inanimate objects

can go in only one direction

   —  the rock erodes

wood rots

palace crumbles  —

while life goes on;

from simple cells

to Einstein's brain

and Michael Jordan's body.

The universe

will eventually end

as a single black hole,


and at absolute zero;

nothing left

to fall into it.

Distilled down

to something so simple

it becomes immaterial,

the last bit of energy


But complexity is hard

and simple answers feel good.

The demagogues and populists

who offer black-and-white solutions

with no time for nuance

also shed no light

possess no gravitas.

While they may be charismatic

they're as insubstantive

as massive black holes;

which, hard as you look

can't be seen.

Yes, the odd X-ray may escape

as some poor lost soul

crosses its horizon

and is instantly atomized;

but radiation is lethal,

so even skeptics, and men of honour

who resist his allure

still risk becoming

collateral kills.

The simple-minded demagogue

is dead inside,

no matter how well

his rants and raves disguise it.

Whatever life there may have been

was long ago consumed

by ego



While the enablers

who hope to profit,

and his followers

unwittingly fooled,

all refuse to see

that they, too

will die in darkness with him.

Way too long. Can’t imagine many readers sticking with it. But felt good to write.

The most challenging constraint was not using Trump's name. That would have encouraged me to go on even longer, while sacrificing its wider resonance.

The last stanza: can't they see that everyone and everything Trump touches turns to shit? Impoverished. In jail. Reputation in tatters. The final line: unintentional, but I now notice how it echoes the ominous catchphrase of the Washington Post.

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