Saturday, November 18, 2023

Safe Room - Nov 12 2023


Safe Room

Nov 12 2023

The “safe room”, they called it.

No windows

and reinforced walls,

a heavy steel door

with 3 massive deadbolts.

Astronaut food

that has to last,

board games

to distract you.

Because time drags

when waiting's all there is.

As if a room

could be hermetically sealed

the world kept at bay.

But how safe does it feel?

Depending on

forever batteries

and water made from pee?

Battling inner demons,

contending with your fears?

Hoping your recycled air

has been scrubbed of all impurities

and is safe enough to breathe?

As if purity

is even possible.

And how long can you last

deprived of sun?

How long

looking at the same four walls?

How long

in the company of others,

whether brought there by blood


or conviction?

And then, safe from what?

When the wall

between them and us

is artificial?

When the only danger

is ourselves?

So there is no safe place

likely never was.

And what if safety doesn't matter anyway?


for the knock on the door

that, no matter what

is coming for us all.

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