Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Fraternal Order of Good Ol' Boys - Oct 25 2023


The Fraternal Order of Good Ol' Boys

Oct 25 2023


Secret handshakes.

Initiation rights.

It seems like child's play,

all this intrigue

and earnest ritual.

But men still do it,


in fraternal groups

and wearing silly hats;

all of them

boyish enthusiasts,

no cynics or women allowed.

At least the joiners do;

the hustlers, making connections,

the followers, craving direction,

and the glad-handing extroverts

who love to schmooze.

But mostly

the true believers,

who take themselves too seriously

to be content with workaday lives.

Of course, as civic-minded men

and pillars of the community

they do good works;

sponsoring little league,

giving Christmas turkeys

to nervous shut-ins

the working poor,

a park bench

for the old and infirm.

While people like me

keep to ourselves.

Fraternal orders of one;

no outfits or ranks,

no musty meeting halls or catered feasts,

no conspiratorial nods

and knowing winks

when a brother happens to pass

on busy streets.

Self-styled sophisticates,

we look down

on these worthies and boosters

as earnest enthusiasts,

living as their fathers did

back when men were men.

But deep down

secretly envy them.

For their purposeful lives.

For how secure they must feel

at their place in the world.

For their network of fellows and friends

who will be there for them

in times of need.

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