Saturday, November 18, 2023

Physicists and Misfits - Nov 18 2023


Physicists and Misfits

Nov 18 2023

How did I not know

the secret to the tightrope

is a low centre of gravity;

that the heavy pole, flexing down

steadies the walker

and keeps him on.

So the force of gravity,

while pulling him off

also keeps him up.

This is like holding two contradictory ideas

in your head at once,

which it's said is a sign of intelligence.

The world is complicated that way,

but the alternative is to fall

into self-righteous certainty.

I envy circus people,

the acrobats and clowns,

strong man

and bearded lady,

lion tamer

and conjoined twins.

Who are not only physicists

who understand the centre of gravity,

but social misfits;


who could have fallen badly,

yet found a home

and were taken in.

Celebrating difference

instead of fearing it.

But you only get one chance

on the high-wire

without a net.

Defying death

in front of small town crowds

under the big tent.

Where the world's fattest man

simply sits

weighing down his chair.

The knife thrower

pictures parabolic arcs.

And the levitating acrobat

appears effortless,

but is too high up

to see the sweat dripping down.

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