Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Moving Target - June 21 2022


Moving Target

June 21 2922

The point of departure.

Which requires knowing where you are

to begin with.

Which presumes

it's a pin-drop;

that your life is fixed

in place and time

state of mind

your relationships.

Not so simple

if your wish is escape

from uncertainty.

Or when there is no point at all;

just the need

to find yourself in motion.

And aren't we all setting out

all the time


Because just by being alive

even those of us afraid of change

are condemned to it.

The arrival

is more notional.

Not a point, so much as an ideal.

A moving target, perhaps.

Or not quite the place

you imagined it was.

Or maybe too soon or too late.

And even if you find yourself there,

the disappointment


or unintended consequence

will see you moving on.

Because the old quandary

is no such thing;

it's all journey

except for the odd time out.

Which means you're never really there;

no settling down

no laid-to-rest

no celestial ever-after.

All you can do

is drop a pin on a map

and take what you can carry,


in roughly that direction.

No end in sight;

just hoping for the best

and never looking back.

Once again, a word or phrase strikes my ear and I can't resist noodling around with it.

Today, it was point of departure. My immediate thought was how can anyone presume to have a point of departure when no one can be that certain of all aspects of in their life. The word point is such a strong one: so exact as to be almost infinitely small and circumscribed. And do we ever say ”point of arrival”? No. The ultimate destination never contains an equivalent degree of certainty.

I'm the guy who is afraid of change. I'd much rather not be in motion, and like think my point is very much fixed. But there really is no choice: no matter how firmly we plant ourselves, everything around us is in constant motion anyway.

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