Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Men of the Great Republic - June 24 2022


Men of the Great Republic

June 24 2022

The ambitious politician

looks the part.

Slicked back hair.

Intense eyes

that seem too close together.

A sharp angular face,

on which unruly stubble

makes him look perpetually rushed.

He wears expensive suits

yet always looks rumpled.

His sleek Italian shoes

are kind of gangsterish,

and certainly don't fit

the “man of the people” vibe

he so devoutly desires.

A flag pin on his lapel

is de riguer,

and a crucifix

conspicuous around his neck

glints with solid gold.

He speaks loudly, simply

to anyone who'll listen,

and in the end

the hoi polloi

hold their noses

and vote for him.

Because he offers a new utopia.

Or better still

a return to the old one.

And because he has promised a comeuppance

for the elites and oppressors

and others out to get them;

and we all know who they are.

History is full

of people like these.

Men of low character.

Hypocrites and con men

and venal opportunists

out for themselves.

And we let ourselves be fooled

when no one else steps up.

Because we want to be believe

in saviours and strongmen

and simple solutions.

Because the TV

tells us what to think.

A screen that's always tuned

to the same channel

and the same talking heads.

Who sell his lies


and stubborn grievances

much as they hawk

incontinence pads

and cut-rate Viagra.

Thinking of Donald Trump. Ted Cruz. And, for the sake of gender balanced political correctness, Marjorie Taylor Green and Loreena Bobbit (a name that is so deliciously Dickensian I can't resist!). I could go on, but the list of every batshit crazy Republican would be far too long.

Yes, a shamelessly indulgent poem. Pure ventilation. Because as a rule I avoid mixing politics and poetry.

I could have been a helluva lot tougher, but restraint is more challenging and creative than just letting go and lashing out.

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