Monday, February 3, 2020

Feb 2 2020


In the path of totality
where day is plunged into night
and the cosmos laid bare,
it's not the racing shadow
that evokes my breathless wonder.
It's the precise geometry
of orbit, distance, circumference
that would seem to defy chance,
how improbable
two heavenly objects
would so perfectly overlap.
The moon, just covering the sun,
revealing to its privileged observers
the sun's magnificent corona
enclosing a black bottomless disc.

Not that I believe
in intelligent design.
Or that the universe is intentional
with us at its centre.

But is anything more moving
than a total eclipse of the sun?
To witness the play
of shadow and light?
To appreciate our smallness
on this insignificant planet
in the vast blackness of space?

Your Shadow

And the shadow
that followed you all through life,
as inseparable an appendage
as an arm or a leg.
and inexact
and changing according to light;
like a chalk outline
in your likeness
that's not quite you, but close.
That persists, even after you've departed.
When I imagine you there
in the objects and places we shared.
In the restless nights
when all is subsumed in darkness.
In reaching out a hand
as I try to regain my balance,
only to grasp at shadows
and insubstantial air.

To Shadow

How they shadow me,
the memories, nostalgia, regrets.
like an ambush animal
who hunts its prey by stealth,
or a stalker
ghosting along in my wake.
The spectres of the past
hover above us
rattling their heavy chains;
or silently glide behind,
concealing themselves
and cleverly shifting shape.

Errant Shadow

It began as a dark spot
that might have been caught
if we'd only thought of it sooner.
A small suspicious shadow
on the X-ray they took to be sure,
an errant cell
that grew and spread
until all that was left was darkness.
A black malignant weight
that consumed all of the light
until nothing else remained.

There was a fascinating item in this week's The Sunday Edition, and I owe this poem to it. In fact, I stole the idea from this interview: the idea of exploring “shadow” in its various meanings and uses. The verb “to shadow”. The shadow of an eclipse. An ominous shadow on an X ray. A person's actual shadow.

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