Monday, February 10, 2020

Rabbit Hole
Feb 5 2020

I re-watched the movie
about a marriage under stress.
As all marriages are strained,
even if none
in quite the same way.

at how much I'd forgotten
in the decade between viewings.
And how intensely moving it was
the second time around.

In wondering why
I would imagine that 10 years more of life
has something to do with it,
my greater discernment
when it comes to film.

But I wonder, too
about memory's frailty and flaws,
how forgetful we are
how we fill in the blanks.
About wonder how much it really matters
if we can do it all again
as if it never happened
and nothing was learned.
That life, instead of pushing onward and upward
is more like Groundhog Day,
a closed loop
endlessly replayed.

I have always been reluctant
to re-read books
re-watch the classics.
So should I now feel free to go back,
savouring things
diving deep
exploring nuance and subtlety?

How fascinated we are
by the new and improved,
when the old
can be much more rewarding,
is so often lost
in novelty's glare
the dazzle of newness.

In the end
the couple survived
their child's death,
the blame, and guilt, and denial.
As we all persevere
through hardship and stress;
    . . . because really
what alternative is there?

And I imagine
that after the credits rolled
they are still revisiting the past,
reliving his presence
as much ever
if not the act itself,
that fateful morning
all those years ago.

Because while the pain never lessens
the strain of remembering does;
its jagged edges
smoothed by practice,
the headlong passage of time.
tempering the past.

I think I got more out of this movie the 2nd time around. Intense, powerful beautifully realized. It came out in 2010, and stars Aaron Eckhart and Nicole Kidman. Highly recommended.

I've actually spent several days re-watching movies – one each night -- and my old prohibition is progressively softening. Because they're not only still good, and often superior to what's on offer now, but actually even better with the passage of time. Like good wine, aging in the bottle, the best of the old movies improve.

The others were The Grand Budapest Hotel, Reservoir Dogs, and Winter's Bone. Rabbit Hole is by far the least well recognized of these. Too bad. It deserves more.

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