Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25 2012

I realized the power of words
when I wrote them down
spoke out loud.

Its cold reptilian neck
pressing in from behind, nuzzling mine.
Its fetid breath,
its heaviness.

The sound took to the air,
carried less
than I could throw
in a voice that almost broke.
A brief unnoticed vibration,
by the weight of air.

Please, do not mistake this
for confession
or forgiveness.
I doubt anyone was even listening.
But it had been spoken,
a formal statement
As if a sworn witness
weighed in,
and the court stenographer
made it permanent
a judge, somewhere, had heard.
And what could be more visceral
than passing throat, tongue, lips,
the dark intimacy of the mouth
the swallow
the kiss?

Or a hand-written letter
that may never be read.
The nullifying power
to have simply expressed.
Because bloodless words
are harmless,
disarmed by the light of day.

There, I said it.
Now go away. 

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