Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 2012

In sedimentary weather
it is uniformly grey.
The eyes adjust.

Silt drifting down
settling, steady,
around my feet
in even layers
creeping up.
The atmosphere is thick,
and with each perturbation
of current, and wind 
I sway,
like a neutral object

Yet motionless, in a relative sense. 
A fish
in water.
A passenger, on planet earth
hurtling along
through space.

Enough heat, and pressure
and silt hardens to rock
encasing me.
Or at least my impression
in a thin indelible layer,
they will date, someday
to early this century.
When the air was clogged
with electromagnetic waves,
the dust, stirred-up
by our meddling.

Where once
unlikely creatures dashed
on wet volcanic ash
unintended clay,
like water-walkers
almost weightless.
Or footprints baked
into river mud. 
A swift escape
some hot dry day
in paleolithic sun.

The climate has changed.
Weather never does. 

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