Saturday, December 10, 2011

No Harm Done
Dec 8 2011

The well-kept distance
averted glance.
Malicious whispers
snickering laughs.
Moms shield kids
herding them past,
or cross the street
and never look back.

Refused food, service, gas,
and broken glass.
Even their trash
went uncollected.
Until it came to talk
of burning crosses
brake lines cut.
From objects of fun
to vandalized, shunned
run out-of-town.

Rumour was
they were carriers.
Some virus, or bug
but wouldn’t succumb themselves.
Or was it some vile idea
that could subvert the good people
of this God-fearing town?

We’re entitled to protect ourselves, after all.
So we resented being presented
as credulous peasants
armed with pitchfork, and torch,
fire-breathing preachers
exhorting us on.
I mean, who’s the underdog here
who’s been wronged?

In the end, they left on their own
no harm done.
So now, we can let out our daughters
after dark
disarm our sons.
Thank God
we were spared
from who knows what.

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