Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Closed For the Season
Dec 14 2011

I slip into the park
in winter.
How odd, to be alone
where it was green,
busy, buzzing, lush.

No one wants to trudge
through thick wet snow.
Or be exposed
to the skinny limbs of trees,
stripped down
to bone.

The ground, the sky
are both a lumpy white
      concrete, left to set,
the dull weight of lead.
The land is at rest,
restoring itself
in this cool dormancy.

Summer’s excess
cold sober,
perhaps contemplating its regrets.
A brief sojourn
in this white asylum
for the badly behaved
and over-heated.

A strutting crow
caws accusingly;
a murder of crows
joins in.
Do they close the park
this time of year?
Some unwritten rule
I have transgressed?

Black mischievous birds
are contemptuous
of seasons.
They own the place
all year.

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