Dec 14 2024
As the universe expands
are we pulled apart as well?
Does matter thin
do our cells become unglued?
No way to prove this, of course;
life is too short,
and what to measure with
when everything is relative?
So much space, I can’t imagine
the bottomless black
unthinkable cold.
Light without heat
and nothing to see it with.
But expanding into what?
You don’t understand, they say
that’s not how it works.
And anyway
we’ve never seen the end
and never will;
the distant horizon
too far and too fast
for light to catch up.
So I no longer look up.
No longer care
for riddles
mind games
blackboards of equations,
when instead
I can look down
look inside
close my eyes.
Smaller, instead of bigger,
in instead of out.
My mind wanders
and I must pull it back
lest it weakens, thins, attenuates
then altogether drifts away.
Lest its interstitium
teases apart
and I become unglued;
to absolute zero
in a black bottomless void.
Where there’s no here or there.
Nowhere to go
not even down.
And no point
in keeping time
when nothing ever happens,
there’s nothing to keep track of,
and no one left to care.
Hard to explain this one. Just kind of noodling.
Perhaps it’s a twisted synthesis of a couple of things I recently read: one about out-of-body near-death experiences (that is, does the mind reside in the brain, or is it separate; and are these similarly reported experiences mystical, or more credibly explained by the neurophysiology of a dying brain); and the other about how the rate of expansion of the universe is faster than we thought.
Or perhaps, because cosmology is so counter-intuitive and impenetrable to us mere mortals — esoteric physics just hurts my brain — it’s a plea to come back down to earth, where things make at least a little sense and Newtonian physics works well enough!
Or perhaps it has to do with nothing at all. Just a stream of consciousness riff!
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