Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Than All the Times Before - June 12 2024


Than All the Times Before

June 12 2024

That there’s nothing more to be said.

That the last word has been had.

That language

isn’t up to the task.

That I’ve used up

all my indignation and angst.

That I have been emptied out

of all the rhetoric

and clever repartee

I’m sad to say

were all I had to give.

That more is demanded of me

than mere verbiage

and tired platitudes;

that I should man up, for once

and act.

And the actual last word?

When the Doomsday Clock

strikes 12,

will the last man on earth

call out for help

when there’s no one left to listen?

Will he look up at heaven

and rage at its betrayal?

Will he blame himself?

Or will he think back to that one great love

and beg to be forgiven?

For having been unworthy.

For letting it end like this.

For once again

falling back on words;

as if this time

would somehow not be different

than all the times before.

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