Thursday, June 6, 2024

No Godzilla - May 26 2024


No Godzilla

May 26 2024

On a hot day

under merciless sun

there was instant relief

stepping off the trail into the trees.

The cool damp shade

felt like a weekday matinee

in the summer heat

in a funk of nothing to do.

When pushing through the heavy doors

into the dimly lit space

and blast of cool air

felt like a life-giving breath;

an air-conditioned escape

back when homes were not,

and summer days were long,

and whatever was on

we’d greedily watch.

Of course, day length hasn’t changed

but we have;

there’s something about age

that makes time go fast.

The ground was spongey underfoot.

A welter of branches

made us earn every step.

Light filtered through the leaves

and the air was evergreen;

the fresh scent

of spruce and pine,

the earthy smell

of damp fertile soil.

No silver screen, of course.

No Godzilla.

No Curly, Larry, or Mo.

No lonesome cowboys

or heroes fighting wars.

Just the theatre of the mind.

Just the deep dark forest

to rest the eyes

and revive the soul.

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