Sunday, June 23, 2024

Songs of Summer - June 20 2024


Songs of Summer

June 20 2024

The song of the summer

comes and goes

in a few short months.

Like fireworks on the 4th of July

it burns hot and bright

then soon burns up.

Or like the temporary high

of illicit drugs;


the first time you hear it

but prone to overdose;

until soon

you need something new

to get you off.

Pop music


ear worms

that burrow in all the way.

Singable songs

with catchy beats

and happy themes

of sun and surf,

puppy love

and the primal urge

sultry weather is perfect for.

Songs that work

according to some formula.

But while the music snobs may disagree,

being popular

requires no apology.

And who forgets

the songs of summer

from when they were young?

Like that first love

an old man gets nostalgic for,

they seem even better

in retrospect.

Something to revel in

for as long as it lasts,

which should be more than enough.

Because nothing is forever.

Because simple pleasures

are the best kind.

And because what more did you expect?

The song of the summer

that gets stuck in your head

and seems to be everywhere

all at once.

Until just like that it’s not.

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