Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mounted - June 19 2024



June 19 2024

I don’t remember it exactly.

Except that it had the power of revelation

and defied belief;

the moment I realized

the bike won’t fall.

That once in motion

a spinning wheel is stable.

That you can point yourself in any direction

and the bike will track itself;

you're just along for the ride.

It would be years

before words like angular momentum

sort of made sense.

Before you moved

from 2 wheels to 4,

and cared more about speed


the girl beside you.

But back then

mounted on our battered bikes

we were pirates

fighter pilots

rally drivers.

Mostly, we were free

to go wherever roads lead;

free range kids

with parents safely at home

who were content to let us roam.

Who knew

everyday physics

would liberate us.

Who knew

what adventures we’d get up to.

And who knew how far;

that if it weren’t for back in time for dinner

perhaps to the ends of the world

before the pot roast and peas.

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