Monday, March 11, 2024

Symposium - March 6 2024



March 6 2024

I can see why murder.

How the bird, all midnight black

with just its beady eyes showing

resembles an executioner.

And how they mass, cawing avidly

like a vengeful mob.

I once befriended a crow.

He came daily for food,

entertained me with his antics.

And perched on the railing

we would stand face to face;

his penetrating gaze

scrutinizing me

as if I amused him,

the deep intelligence

so plain to see

blazing out of those small black eyes.

I say him, not it

because he was clearly sentient;

a personality

with a sense of humour

who delighted in mischievous fun.

In fact, I soon began to wonder

just who had trained whom;

the food I offered

like clockwork

he’d come to expect.

Would the world be better

if crows were in charge?

If, like us, they had language and hands

and had risen to dominance?

A symposium of crows

looking down from the trees,

observing amusedly

as the lesser species

went about their daily business

oblivious to their overlords.

The other birds

grubbing for worms.

Herd animals

contentedly grazing.

Dogs mating

and sniffing behinds,

snails trailing slime.

And the naked apes

fighting among themselves.

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