Friday, January 21, 2022

Weather Advisory - Dec 26 2021


Weather Advisory

Dec 26 2021

Snowfall warning.

I'm not sure where the line is drawn

between watch, warning, alert.

But it came in fire engine red,

the colour of blood, temper, sex

so must be serious

or worse.

Yet this is snow they're talking about,

not earthquake, tornado, torrential rain.

Snowmen and snowball fights

and horse-drawn sleighs at Christmas,

falling gently

virgin white.

Blowing snow, impassable roads?

Then hunker down, stay home

cocoon in front of a fire.

Let it snow, as the song says,

then go outside

and delight in the stuff.

Snow angels

by giggling toddlers.

Unleashed dogs

porpoising through the drifts.

And vintage toboggans,

skidding dizzily downhill

and sometimes lifting-off,

or slip-sliding out of control

and spilling their load

of giddy tireless kids.

And me, from behind the glass

watching snow silently fall

on a cold still night,

fat flakes

passing from darkness to light

then back.


like a sudden revelation

as they pass through the cone of incandescence

and settle airily down.

Looking out

I watch the snow steadily fall

the drifts inexorably rise.

Warm inside

and duly warned,

but selfishly wishing for more.

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