Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dec 6 2019

So few colours we have named.
As if the rest
were consequential.
As if the world
was all primary colours;
no hues or pastels,
no dappled, palette, watered-down.

Yet every day, a different shade of blue,
according to the alchemy
of overcast and sun,
how fast and deep
the wild river runs.
All the subtleties of green
in the cool dark forest
it reflects and absorbs,
the muddy silty browns
of its downriver course.

Now, congealed
there is black ice.
And white, where it's egg-shell thin,
as if flash-frozen froth
had been caught in the moment.

And where it's lightly smoked glass
swept clear of snow
I can see the water gurgle
beneath the glazed surface,
a neutral grey
that uncannily conveys
its surging swirling motion.
All winter it flows,
liquid, somehow
and inexhaustible.

An infinity of shades, yet colourless,

But still, so unimaginably blue;
in a hot dry summer's
limpid light
a still azure pool.

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