Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas Lights
Dec 28 2019

I can just imagine the man
teetering on the top rung
of the fully extended ladder,
a trembling arm
stretched overhead
as far as he can,
fingers freezing in the December dusk
hooking-up lights.

As I walk, after midnight
down my usually grey street,
gazing at the brightly garlanded trees
and illuminated houses
on this not quite holiday week,
between the excess of Christmas
and New Year's bacchanal.
Before the old year
has exhausted itself,
the new one peddled
its usual promises.

It's become a picture-book village
as seen through the eyes of a child,
when the world seems new, and surprising
and the smallest things delight.
Even me
as cynical and bleak as I feel.
Pure primary colours
as luscious as tropical fruit
with that warm focused glow.
As fresh snow begins to fall.
As the dry cold
makes the world seem newly made.

I have never put up lights.
My house has always been dark,
like a blackened tooth
in a dazzling smile,
a sullen gap
in a street party open to all.
And I know, in less than a week
most will be extinguished.

Are they proud home-owners, showing off,
like the ostentatious display
of an alpha male
asserting dominance?
Or is this community spirit,
good neighbours doing their part
for the good of the whole?

All I know is how lifted I feel,
how little it took
to give me hope.

So, are displays like this beautiful,
or tawdry, and tasteless?
Am I some simple-minded grown-up
to be so easily swayed?
A few multi-coloured lights
in the short dark days
of a quickly dwindling year.

Which are now getting longer
bit by bit.
The incremental journey toward spring
and earth's perennial rebirth,
when the festive lights
will have been long retired,
the enchanted street returned
to its usual humdrum sobriety.

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