Monday, December 30, 2019

Length, Turn, Length
Dec 30 2019

The lifeguards at the community pool
are hovering about the pretty blonde
like moths to the flame.

Teenage boys,
at an age when they're also on fire.

So today, the swimmers are on their own.

She is tall, and tan, and lithe
but oddly unsure of herself,
her sexual power
her youthful allure.

I am old, but still remember
just how it felt,
the heat
the doubt
the desire.
But feel, as well
an unbecoming envy
the angst of loss.

Length, turn, length,
attending to circular breathing
my shoulder slot
the steady kick.
And each time I turn my head
catching a glimpse of the deck
through fogged-up plastic lenses.

A chance observer
of the human heart.
If not an anthropologist from Mars
then from an older generation,
keeping his distance
but perhaps not far enough.

Up and down the pool
trying hard to repeat my stroke,
watching length after length 
as life replays itself.

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