Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4 Seasons
April 11 2017

She told me once
it takes all 4 seasons
to be sure.

Because love begins in summer
walks hand-in-hand in fall,
shares the same stale air
in winter's cramped fortress.

But is tested in spring,
when the frozen soil warms
green shoots unfurl,
blooms strike colour
into a dull brown world.
Petals, recklessly beckoning
the subtle attraction of scent.

Who isn't tempted
to re-invent themselves
in all this intensity?
into sweet mild air.
The feel of sun
on impervious skin
unaccustomed to touch.
Made restless, and rash
by the lengthening day
softening light.
Urgently aware
of the fecundity of life
and its merciless transience.

The flowers of spring
are their own wedding bouquet
and funeral march.
Because life is short;
summer over
almost as soon as it starts.

It's very early days, and I naturally started to write about spring a million other boring predictable poems before this one! But then, thinking about seasons, I remembered what she once said. Which gave me an entree into a poem about relationship: one that could be built on the scaffold of seasons, but be more than merely descriptive.

How it got from there to a poem about temptation, and even infidelity, is the mystery of the creative act. But spring has that paradoxical effect. There is the inspiration of new life and new beginnings, set against the awareness of the transience of that life: the sobering awareness that inertia is slow death; and that if you don't do it now, you may never.

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