Saturday, June 20, 2015

All-Day Rain
June 20 2015

Degrees of rain.

Starting with a grey pall
shrouding the surface.
Mist, too fine to fall,
as if damp cloud
had descended to earth.

And still air
expectant as held breath,
Tension, you know will break
but when?

The succession of weather,
from gentle drop, to steady fizz
to heavy pour.
Then volleys and gales
like hammered nails
lashing down,
torrents of rain
rivers in flood.
Saturated soil,
and overflows.

When the wind
that came charging-in like wild horses
exits like a milk-run mare
stabled and fed.
It has settled in
to an all-day rain,
low cloud, unbroken sky.
The comforting sound
of slow static, dribbling down.

And in the end
the drip-drip-drip
of leaky gutters,
rubber boots
squelching home.

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