Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Alone With Your Thoughts
Sept 12 2011

To have gone through life
and never known silence.
I mean absolute silence,
so deep and sublime
all you can hear
is the hot rush of blood
in your seashell ears.

So never truly by yourself
alone with your thoughts.
No cloistered cell
renouncing talk,
expelled to the desert
wandering, lost.

Your place is here,
the city you never left
and always loved.
And the wilderness, you know something of 
reassured it exists,
and that’s good enough.

How can I describe such a silence?
Like colour, to a blind man
love, a psychopath,
but worse.
Because this is an absence,
the distillation of less
to less and less,
As impossible as proving a negative.
The unimaginable stillness
of the world at rest.
A held breath,
the seconds left
before your heart contracts

I think you would find this unbearable
and quickly flee,
seeking solace in noise
and constant motion,
the illusion of progress.
Or your over-wrought brain
abhorring the vacuum
would fill it with static
invent a new sound-track
crack under the strain.

I can just imagine
how oppressive this might feel.
A hundred atmospheres
bearing down
on top of you.
The floor of the sea
the density of water.
Or softly swaddled
in countless cotton balls,
unable to move

Anyway, is silence really possible?
The flush of blood.
The butterfly brush
of air on skin.
The microscopic life
that rushes in.

So you went through life
consoled by noise,
in its anonymity.
to wait for death;
an infinity of silence, then.

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