Monday, July 18, 2011

‘Coons and ‘Possums
July 17 2011

Heat makes us stupid.

We are a northern people,
hustling to get things done
in the short winter window
of light.
Invigorated by cold
resourceful in storms,
but keeping cozy.

So now I understand
a southern drawl.
The lazy vowels
and idle pause,
long enough
to chew tobacco
and spit it out.

The overgrown lawn,
dotted with beaters
abandoned parts.
The shotgun, sawed-off
for pot-shots, at ‘coons and ‘possums,
off the porch
from a broken rocker,
boots propped on the rail.

I feel that way today
wilting in the heat,
back-bone wobbly
muscles gassed.
I try to think
but humidity has rotted my brain.
Something in the kitchen stinks
of advanced decomposition,
but I haven’t any interest
in sniffing it out.

We have always bragged
“you don’t need air-conditioning
up here”,
smug in our stoic frugality.
But nowadays
I’m having my doubts.

I apologize for the shameless stereotyping. On the other hand, the ludicrous hyperbole should make it clear to even the most politically correct that my tongue is firmly in my cheek.

Not a poem for the ages, I agree. But not too shabby, considering a bad case of incipient brain rot!! I’m especially proud to have shoe-horned in the rhyme of “frugality” with “nowadays”.

A “humidex” warning today. I guess this is the summer counterpart of “wind chill”. No fun, either way.

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