Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 22 2011

The famous author talked
about her characters
taking on lives of their own.

Like a disengaged God
who sets the world in motion
and then is gone,
letting fee will, anarchy, passion

So I wonder, do we all contain
this universe of characters
lurking unaware?
First sleep,
incoherent dreams
that vanish, when I waken.
Now this multitude
who accompany me, unseen.
of a miniscule sliver
of my own reality, it seems.

I would love to know
if I’m the hero
of my own existence,
or just an extra, a walk-on part;
or unscripted?
Or is my singular conceit
all there is?

Sometime, a poem comes out
like automatic writing
like channelling.
A voice whispers in my ear,
and I do its bidding

So who is the speaker,
and which is me?
And do we ever meet,
and in whose dreams?

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