Sunday, March 13, 2022

Here, In the Peaceable Kingdom - March 12 2022


Here, in the Peaceable Kingdom

March 12 2022

Even here

in the peaceable kingdom

in our island fortress

we are touched by war.

Because evil men are running the world.

Because it's 1984

all over again.

If only the people knew

we tell ourselves

they would rise up.

If only the mad scrabble for power

did not reward

unscrupulous men

of low character

and bottomless greed.

Like crabs in the bucket

scrambling over each other

until the meanest

comes out on top.

So, are we blessed?



Or is it dumb luck

and the accident of birth?

Would we not have been the Nazis

we so easily demonize,

when we should rightly acknowledge

the flawed humanity

we can't help but share?

Like fish

swimming in a sea

of shame and conformity,

would we, too, have dutifully saluted

been wilfully blind

fooled ourselves?

Meanwhile, children are pummelled by bombs.

Refugees huddle

with nothing but what they carry.

The old and infirm suffer

unable to flee.

And amidst the rubble.

corpses smell.

While kleptocrats

horde their wealth.

And the leaders

sequestered in armoured towers

and gaudy palaces

construct their own reality,

growing fat

on ill-gotten gains

and untrammelled power.

I dislike and avoid political poems. But I can no longer suppress my outrage and hopelessness.

The prose (below) elaborates, and this is very satisfying to write. But the poetry forces distillation and compression, and so gets at the essentials, while at the same time tempering them with art. So perhaps a more memorable and impactful way to write.

Putin is committing war crimes and mass murder in Ukraine. As he did in Grozny and Aleppo. As the unreconstructed KGB apparatchik did in poisoning and assassinating his critics. He is immiserating the entire world, and for no conceivable gain — even for himself, his cronies, his people.

Why are we repeatedly led by such repugnant and mediocre men (yes, it's almost always men)? I think of the cumulative damage done by men like Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro. To world peace, human progress, the environment. All probably certifiable psychopaths. Like crabs on a bucket, moral and empathetic people don't stand a chance against them.

What makes us think we are exempt: entitled; more morally pure; at the end of history; privileged to be mere observers?

And why are the masses still so easily fooled, despite our wired world: lacking in media literacy and critical thinking skills? I say this because propaganda is winning wars, and our essentially social nature makes it hard not to conform.

Believe me, if you were raised among Nazis, white supremacists, or fundamentalist believers, you would most likely be one as well. We may prize ourselves for being free thinkers, but this is as much an accident of birth as this prosperous and stable country (at least for now!) we were gifted. We are essentially social creatures, and for most of us (most, but not all, because some pure and fierce souls rise above) our social milieu counts more than any internal moral compass. Instead of the easy way out of demonizing and dehumanizing the Nazis and the Putin enablers, we need to be brave enough to see ourselves in them.

In the rough draft, in the 2nd stanza, I had mad instead of evil. But why pull punches, why avoid the more emotionally evocative word? I like it's Old Testament resonance and uncompromising power.

And in the 5th, shame. Which seems at first an odd choice, since we think of shame as steering us toward good behaviour. That's because for social creatures who can't survive outside the group, shame is the primary means of social control. But still, a morally neutral one: it can steer us either way, depending on the society in which it operates.

Here in Canada, we are literally an island fortress. If not well-armed, then well defended: surrounded on three sides by a moat of oceans, and on the fourth by the United States. A friendly power. So far.

I struggled with the title, and ended up taking the path of least resistance: repeating the first line, more or less.

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