Saturday, September 18, 2021

Rocket Science - Sept 17 2021


Rocket Science

Sept 17 2021

It ain't rocket science

we glibly say

as we've done for half a century.

But haven't we moved on

to a different order of complexity?

From blasting-off

expanding gases

and parabolic paths

to more subtle kinds of science?

To inner space, instead of outer.

The permutations

of love, hate


The arcane equations

of the human mind,

and the hard problem of consciousness.

Even the meaning of life,

as if something so metaphysical

could be captured

in numbers and graphs.

Yet even physics

isn't hard and fast,

rockets still explode

veer off course

fizzle on the launch pad.

And even Wernher Von Braun

was far more complex

than his moonshot invention,

navigating so deftly

from Nazi to American

in a fraction of time.

Because rocketry is easy

we are not.

So wouldn't it be more accurate to say

it ain't anthropology


the arcane art of dating?

The human journey

and all its baffling billions

of complex parts.

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