Sunday, July 11, 2021

About Time - July 11 2021


About Time

July 11 2021

In time

anything can happen.

Problem solved

finding love

another asteroid.

Which is why I always get there

in time.

Plenty of it.

I'm the “on-time” guy.

Only to find

I have to take a time-out,

counting seconds

taking deep breaths

and pacing incessantly,

filling time

until the laggards arrive.

Impatient, as usual;

but at times

aren't we all?

But now, with time

I've mellowed,

learned to wait

be more laissez faire.

Because most of the time, give or take

around time

is good enough.

After all, you don't get it back in the end   —

the time you save

earns no interest

and isn't held in trust somewhere.

Give it some time

and things might sort themselves.

But up against time

you always lose

the clock runs out.


that in the fullness of time

when the universe ends

nothing matters anyway.

As the celebrated economist John Maynard Keynes famously wrote: “ the long run, we are all dead.” The art of prediction may be a dubious one, but if you predict far enough ahead one outcome is certain!

But this is more of a word play poem than a philosophical one. Yes, the ending appeals to my innate nihilism. But really, it was all just some fun with prepositions and clichés!

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