Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sentence Fragment
May 7 2020

The sentence I'd left dangling
the night before.

When I was thoroughly written-out.

When my body had stiffened
from sitting too long.

And when the sky was starting to soften
to a milky light.
As it does, this time of year
at too early an hour for me;
a creature of night
who prefers the cover of dark.

The night before,
when I could only hope
I'd pick up where I left off,
tucking up to my desk
the way an old draft horse
who has done this countless times before
settles into its harness.
The reassuring weight
of supple leather, softened with sweat.
The way it stands, expectantly,
as a well-worn bridle
is slipped around its neck
the familiar bit snugged tight.
And then goes clomping off
on the milk route's daily rounds.

A sentence fragment,
which my grade school teacher
would have circled in red
before deducting marks.

An open-ended start
I'm left to carry on.
Like the wide open nozzle
of an unattended fire-hose,
whipping furiously across the page
and soaking everything imaginable
if I fail to take charge,
picking my target
controlling the flow of words.

The unattended brain
is no less scattershot.
So as I slept on it
my thoughts must have crystallized
somewhere in its depths.
when dreams make sense
before veering off into madness.
When memory fails
and time vanishes.
When we are present and absent at once.

In the end
the horse returned to the barn
the nozzle was throttled back
the sentence wrote itself.

I will sleep on it again
and dream of words to come.

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