Monday, October 28, 2019

The Square Root of 2
Oct 24 2019

An irrational number
has no end.
Digits, to the right of the decimal point
on and on
ad infinitum.
A computer, set to calculate
would be spitting out lines of print
to the ends of the universe,
reams of paper clattering out
until every tree was felled.

Like the paradox
of the arrow to its target,
halving the distance, then halving what's left
so it never quite arrives.
Perpetually in transit,
suspended mid-air
just short of the end
of its clean ballistic arc.

But I believe in rationality.

That problems can be solved.

That a train of thought
can be brought
to its infallible conclusion.

That a society
run by technocrats
would be better than politicians.

Because when emotions contaminate
our Vulcan brains
every bullseye is missed.

Except how to explain
that without that feeling in your gut
you become paralyzed,
hemming and hawing and unsure of yourself
unable to decide.

Just like those numbers
that go on and on,
swamping you
without reaching a conclusion.
that define an ever shrinking band
just short
of the next rational number,
an immovable pillar
looming up from the quicksand
of infinite digits
beckoning you on.

But you can only divide the world
so far
until it becomes irreducible.
to the fundamental particle
that, by definition
can no longer be halved.

Which is like trying to find infinity
in a single grain of sand.

Or calculating pi
knowing that you can't.

Or ruminating endlessly
until it drives you mad;
irrational thoughts
spiralling in on themselves,
circling and circling
in your own private hell.

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