Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Watching the Clock
April 19 2016

Time moves imperceptibly.
Until that fateful second
it lurches ahead
as if a ratchet slipped,
and you realize
the future is now.

I’ve sat watching the clock
on the classroom wall
in the sweetness of spring.
When the world is luminous green,
the air inside
close, and over-heated.
Hands turning, turning
turning in place,
circling back
starting over again;
slow, steady
The teacher’s distant drone
my own silent pleading.

They say the purpose of time
is so it doesn’t all happen at once.
But in a way, it does.
Because our younger versions
still accompany us,
bearing the burden
of lives lived
of left undone.
The wonky knee, permanent scars,
the bad choices
broken hearts.

Sand falls, numerals flash,
hands travel
as they always have.
Everything as it has been
until you feel suddenly old;
time, like a tightening ratchet
in the only direction it goes.

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